ELYTT design and manufacturing a dipole magnet for IFMIF project to CIEMAT
The mission of IFMIF (International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility) is to provide an accelerator-based D-Li neutron source to produce high energy neutrons (40 MeV) at sufficient intensity (250 mA) and irradiation volume to test samples of candidate materials to a full lifetime of anticipated use in fusion energy reactors. The LIPAc accelerator is a prototype of the IFMIF accelerators that will be installed in Rokkasho (Japan).
Elytt Energy will design and manufacturing dipole magnet that go inside the HEBT. The HEBT guides the particles of the ion beam from SRF module to the beam dump.
The main goal is deviate 20º the beam toward the beam dump. In this way, the neutronic radiation from the beam dump is reduced on the elements of the accelerator, also it makes possible measure the dispersion of the energy in the beam.
During the normal operation, the dipole magnet should deviate the deuterons beam with a 9 MeV of energy. Additionally, in the phase of start up protons will be used, so that the dipole magnet will deviate the same angle the protons beam of 4.5 MeV.